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The old me is dead and gone, but the new me gonna be alright
The big boy

when i was a child,
i spoke as a child, i understood as a child,
i thought as a child;
but when i become a man, i put childish things away.

-1 Corinthians 13:11


Lee Chew Peng
Presbyterian High School


y'all are my friends, and y'all are gonna be my best friends forever :D


undefined memories
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Today is a wonderful day ;)
woke up today at 7am
was preparing for breakfast, bathing, stuffs and all that
going for church service at expo with shuangling again =)
yupi really enjoyed today's service alot hahas
learned alot of things too (:
going to church services is really meaningful =)

the service ended around 12
supposed to meet jielin and sokvay at bugis at 2
so i went to tamnpinese instead
2pm, met sokvay first
jielin's fetched by her dad
so we went to bugis street thr to find her
and i was on the phone harlo harlo blah blah blah
then she suddenly said tt she thinks she saw sokvay
and while she was describing, i look around and saw her
and everything is like... LOL!
so we walked about the bugis street, and to bj
two knight escorting the princess wahaha
i kept saying this soft toys look like her, and said she was sooo short hahas
although i dun mean it lar
jielin u r tall =D
went to a shop, asked the lady to help me wrap the present up
and gave the present to jielin =D
she didnt suspect a thing when we were at tt shop
hope she will like the present =D

so we walked to cityhall from bugis,
i was afraid tt i might get lost
fortunately, i didnot (:
we were crapping like siao on the way thr
sokvay was sweating lyk siao too
cos he wore super thick clothing
i kept hitting princess jielin with my green tea bottle,
of cos she whack me alot of tyms too
cos i keep suaning her =D
finally we reached cityhall, went to suntec
had alot of fun thr
and have got alot of whacks by jielin oso
first place we went is the fish garden thr
jielin's seriously depise the black fish hahaas

couldnt really rmbed wat had happened
but the most unforgetable one
the chicken rice!seriously, this is the first time i saw a pyramind chicken rice
cool rite?
then i told jielin tt the shop owner is egyptian
and she believed it!
then is like so diaoed...
then i tok alot of lame crap
and jielin can really laugh!
hahas she'll be the winner of laughing marathon man!
no offence =x

so we walk around the whole suntec city
treat jielin donut =)
sokvay bought himself la-teh
and me, bought nothing =)
after that left cityhall at 6pm
and reached home by 6:35

today's really a great day
thanks shuangling for inviting me to the service
and thanks sokvay and the princess-of-the-day for the wonderful trip
jielin's so so so so so so so so so so so cute ;D
sokvay's bdae celebration's coming soon
wonder if i shud go anot hahas

p.s30th march 2008- blissful memories!

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/30/2008 08:37:00 PM

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tuition's forever the best!
especially with WHATEVER!
hahas ahwong didnt come for tution again!!!
so thr's this relieve tcher, mr ho
whatever says tt tt tcher couldnt pronounce her name
and she proved it!
mr ho called her "grannivieve"
hahahas then i was lyk keep calling her "Grannivieve"

snapshots on stupid things me and whatever did during tuition!
she's vandalising my calculator case!
wat she wrote isnt true!
and she called me a loser! =(
brian, it's rude to sleep in class =)
me and her names!
hahas 李秋平 and 林微婷
not gonna post anymore
my sis gonna use com!

hahas anything's the winner lor!
not whatever =)

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/29/2008 09:06:00 PM

here to blog again...
not gonna blog about friday,
cos it's basically nth to blog about
in the morning, during sci bio practical, it's total boredom...
after tt is english, had a bit of fun with sean :)
until reccess, shuangling came!
she went for braces in the morning

sunday's going to celebrate jielin's birthday...
gg escape theme park? i not sure...
but all i know is tt i wouldnt have enough money...
i think i onli can save up to 12 lor....
wat to do man....

not gonna post further
vry tired, gtg sleep

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/29/2008 12:21:00 AM

Friday, March 28, 2008

okay im back to blog~
today post no pic, cos didnt take any

having moodswing today (let's assume thursday as today)
dunno why, jus feeling low...
totally no mood for chinese..
got a little better during english, cos kingkong(sean) is thr~
after tt history, sat beside shuangling
both of us feeling damn low though,
maybe cos alwyn and noeleen not here
alwyn went for outward bound
and noeleen? i guess she's sick

maths.. did my work quite fast, but rather confused on the problems
so i did until 4 pages, and i quit
i jus tell mr hui say i dunno how to do

did profiling workshop during character first period
undertsnading my learning style?
i've got e.t (experimential, theoritical thinker)
then we carried on with alot of stupid stuffs

went for lunch at north point with vivien
omg i met so many ppl today
gonna hav gossips about me tomoro!

hahas gonna continue this post with
another post =) will be posting tomoro!

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/28/2008 12:48:00 AM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

hahas a letter fro viven :)
it's so nice rite?
she's such a sweet girl :D
thanks you vry much! vivien :)
today sch's fine
started with chapel service,
i believe this is one of the better service of all lor!
hahas i shall not reveal wat's it about,
but the lady's singing is damn good
after that maths, maths test!
ok lar, im able to do the paper :)
progression is good, with alpha and beta =D
p.e- no 2.4km run
played floorball, as goal keeper
got my legs swollen (edward's fault~) =(
ahhas now okay alr
mothertongue test!
hated it, no one told us abt it!!
so i was like... damn tired
dun feel lyk doing
butthen i did....
physic- im loving physic man!
i can do all the excercises =)
im good aye? first to finish classwork
went around teaching others
alicia said my eyelashes are long~~
then ask me to donate to her =x
hahas i do not have enuf for myself~~
english lesson got scolded by tcher cos of the kitten crap =x
ahahahs have to redo, aiya nvm, at least didnt scold us until lyk crap
after sch decided to watch "waterhorse" with sean
so waited for him to eat finish
then went to disturb jasmine XD
actually wanted to pull her hair one, but glendace betrayed me =(
hahas jkjk
so chatted with them a while, went back home to put bags and went to watch the movie
this shall be the end of my post =)
once again, thanks vivien for ur vry sweet letter
stay cheerful yea?

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/26/2008 08:08:00 PM

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

ok didnt watch any movie today, cos all not free D:
sadedding =(
anw today's sian, nth much to do....
first&second period- maths, 7th period- maths =O
5th period- sosial studies, 8th&9th period- history '~'
tuesday's killing!!!!

haiz feeling more and more sian in sch

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/25/2008 08:23:00 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008


today during art lesson, drew stinky raw fish!

imagine ur art room got the smell of wet market... eeks...

hahas suhaira was so afraid of the fishes man!

^stinky fish army
looks bloody ahhas
we had a "fun" time with them for 4 periods!
so i was like iritating everyone with fishes =D

my artwork^ =)
nice? well i dun think so
im jus anyhow paint it =x
hope you enjoy the picture =)
tribute: stupid things 3 sec3 boys will do during english lesson
today, we were given an personal recount on euthanasia,
where 3 kittens were almost brought to be put to sleep
3 sec3 boys, sean loh, chew peng and weilun were given assigments to do
which is to play roles of the writer, the president of humane society,
the attendant of humane society, and the kittens
to discuss if the kittens should be put to sleep
sean loh- the president ( he tot it's the president of the united state)
chewpeng- writer and kitten
weilun- the attendant
president: kittens are stupid, they have no brain~
writer: kittens have lives
president: they have a life, so we r ending it right now
kitten: im born to live
writer: they have the choice to live
president: nobody wants them
writer: putting them to sleep is too cruel
president: they will lead a better life in the home of the lord
attendant: the kittens are innocent, they didnot do anything wrong
president: they are guilty of living
attendant: too much animal had been killed
president: it's the attendant who killed the animal, so it's not my fault
kitten: meow~
the above dialouge is idiotically insane
please do not follow =)

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/24/2008 09:11:00 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2008

^lucky stars =D
okie 5 of these aint cheap man
i bought them for $5!
hahas cos it's for some charity
went to amkcentral today (all because of boredom)
to popular to buy some stationaries
and walked around amkhub to see wat i can buy for qianhua's birthday
saw some interesting stuffs
when gg towards mrt station,
this gal, who's selling lucky stars, approached me
around my age i guess
so she was lyk toking so damn fast (evn faster than the eminem im listening to at tt tym)
so i took off my earphone and told her to relax
(she really talks vry fast)
then she told me tt she got to go at 6:30 back to her sch,
and she was 30bucks away from her target ($100)
so i jus gave her one $5 notes,
and she happily gave me 5 lucky stars (the one above)
hahahas some sure will say me dumb man
but i dun really mind lar
jus treat it as doing good deeds =)

sunday's gg to celebrate jielin's birthday (super belated)
me, sokvay and jielin =D
so i think i maybe will attend church service after my tution

5 lucky stars= i will have 5 great luck ahahs
ok i was joking =)

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/23/2008 07:33:00 PM

Saturday, March 22, 2008

at around 1am, i started to spring cleaning my room!
(after dragging for lyk 6 months?)
so i decided to clean up
but at mindnight is a little....
so i decided to drink coffee

^a left over of my previous coffee.
i find the way i tie it is kinda cute
so i took a picture of it.

so after tt i took 3 hours to tidy up!
(all because of me dragging everything for lyk.. erm.. 6 months!)
of cos, with my skills, i am able to finish everything!

^a sweet smile after everything (of cos, jus bathed finished)

wow everything's kinda organised.

woke up at 12:30 (cos i slept at 4:30)
so went for breakfast,
bathing, and off for tution
reach yck mret station around 1:45
saw jielin!!!!!
omg she's turned darker hahas
didnt chat wif her much
cos both of us rushing to tution

reached tution!
stupid ahwong ponner again!
and now's another relief teacher....
got our file (stupid filing system)
but the files kinda cool
with a big "JUST EDUCATION" thr...

today's tution's kinda fun yea =)

*p.s-hahas thanks vivien for ur long and warm comment! im felt so ps to giv short tag hahas

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/22/2008 04:54:00 PM

ok im blogging again!
*note: today's is saturday, it's 00:20 hr now!
ytd was good friday. and it's realllll good! :D

of cos, starting's damn boring
i woke up at 7, slept again at 7:30, woke up again at 9, slept again and finally awaken at 11!
im such a pig == zZz
so had my breakfast, used com, watch the episode of 'monster' i missed ytd night
and msged liyng for a while
trying to ask her out
but she got something on
adrian couldnt go...
sokvay? no reply!
then actually i planned to go out alone to bugis to shop for clothes
(one clothes actually, tt's the number i could afford)
so after using com, around 4, i checked my phone for msg
yea a msg, a call alert!
shuangling called me!
so so i called back, of cos
and she asked me out to her church service at expo!
actually i was planning to go for a church service at aljunied
budden i wasnt prepared for the service cos firstly,
due to my long beauty sleep
and secondly, thr's no one to accompany me
so i decided to go for the expo one =)

at around 6:20, i reached the expo station
i took 50 mins fro yio chu kang to thr =D
after tt i met shuangling
and walked all the way to the hall whr the service is located at
hahas the service is COOL!
totally different fro the sch ones!
at first im kinda stoned up, cos vry unfamiliar with the place, and because im kinda nervous!
hahahas tt's how i m lar
but after tt, knowing more about the whole thing, and shuangling's fren, abraham
im getting more and more active (though i am all along!)
the songs, the drama and everything thr are great!
and i learnt alot of things about life thr :)

after attending the service, i discover tt i shouldnt be dragged down by the past anymore
i should live on happily lyk how i used to
push away watever sad memories i beared
ignore wat she did to me, ignore wat they've done to me
i should move on with a smile =)
like wat liying said, i have a vry beautiful smile and i should smile everyday~~
(im not being bhb, of cos!)
so i've decided to try my best to become more and more cheerful!

after the service, me and shuangling left separately,
cos she and her family are going for a supper
and i think it would be better for me if i am able to reach home earlier
i'd really enjoyed the service, really
thanks shuangling so much for inviting me thr yea? =)
i had a great tym :)

*p.s: everybody's loving my printed-vest shirt :D

*p.p.s: to qianhua baobeis =)
hahas thanks! i will try harder de =) you tooo yea?
3 more days to your birthday!

*p.p.p.s: 21st march, significance memories (:

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/22/2008 12:20:00 AM

Thursday, March 20, 2008

^ okay this is taken from my chinese compo book
i've got 44/50 for this compo man!
not surprise about the result, but the comment...
because actually all the points are written on a piece of notesheet, and im simply
jus copy them into this compo
and my teacher gave me so much good comments ==
nvm, it doesnt harm anw =D
and today's news...
and im positioned 10, of cos
well this is totally insane, cos it's too good to be true
i tot i would get position 20+ (tt's wat i got last yr)
hope my result could maintain in its best!
after school went j8 with shuangling and alwyn
supposely we r to have lunch at pizzahut
BUT student meals r not available during the eve of public hols
so no choice, we left embarassingly and headed to kfc
after tt we walked around j8 for awhile,
saw claudine, but didnt get to tok to her
cos too far away.
of cos, she saw me too =)
as shuangling need to meet her mother and brother in catholic high
alwyn and me went thr too =)
catholic high's cool man!
it's so damn big, and im feeling so jealous = =
left tt place at 5 wif alwyn, headed toward mrt station adn reach home at 5:35
today's a nice day =)

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/20/2008 08:13:00 PM

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hey im back to update this blog
sorry that i've not update a thing for a week! (3 weeks actually..)
so im here to update about today!
today's the start of term2!
which means, a holiday jus passed(well i guess u all shud know)
school's fine, though kinda bored
cos it starts with 2 periods of english!
luckily mdm loo is absent
so we went down to the canteen and do our own works
hahas took pics with sean too =)

first attempt- failed cos sean's head is slightly cut out =x

second attempt!- a succes i assume
well thr's no obvious change in sean's expression at all!
maybe he's camera shy =D
and i found myself loving to stick out my tongue ==

so after that.... 3 periods of maths!
new timetable sucks
i dunwanna hav a 3 straight periods of maths in the beginning of sch =(
i finished my maths worksheet, cos sitting beside yaoming got a lot of drive one
he does his maths so fast!

after recess' art lessons
straight 5 periods
this is when the fun starts man!
of cos, before art lesson, thr's this part of short story....

when i came out of the bookstore, going for art lesson
met max and jasper
jasper: hey fit
me: you more fit lar
max: waah we can smell u fro far man. jasper, we alr know he's here rite?
jasper: yalor. we can feel ur aura. so strong.
me: yalar yalar, i can feel ur aura evn stronger.
jasper: no lor, i can feel your aura 10,000 feets away (must have watched too much 10,000 bc liao)

okay back to art lesson
miss ng's late again!
so we waited for her lyk a period or so?
and i took some pictures again!

hahas guess who's this bad gurl at the back....

ok it's suhaira!

a random shot by suhaira, well it's kinda nice, aint it?

so after that miss ng arrived!
and she's late by 30mins!
then she came with a box of ostrich eggs
the making of easter eggs
easter sunday's near by
so it's nice if we do some easter eggs

my desings, the unpicks ones

hahas mine's and suhaira's.
dun hesitate, mine's the pink one =(
cos miss ng chose tt design!

hahas im gonna end here!
it's going late and im saying goodbye!

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/17/2008 08:55:00 PM

Saturday, March 1, 2008

heys i m here to blog again
well today went to sell coupons at bishan block 238-240
bad day

not really in the mood today
cos im tired...
walk fro j8 to tt place
omg im so stupid
and sorry cos i left with shuangling they'all and dint follow seonghao and chengyong
inthe end they reach thr earlier
so sorry i've drag the whole thing down

im feeling so not 15-yrs old
been in bad tempered all the way
i seems to be angry on something i dunno wat it is
jus feeling vry confused in the mind

haiz... only sold 10bucks after all hardworks...
went to walk around j8 after everything
finally bought monochrome book 4 and motherkeeper book 3 =)
waited for so long~~
but it spent me 16 bucks
have to work hard in saving money for hols le haiz...

will blog about 29th february 2008 next tym

have the whole world as your pals
big boy lives life @ 3/01/2008 08:22:00 PM